Monday, October 6, 2008


Well i don't post much but i will try to post more (not like anyone reads mine) but hey School is going good got As and Bs so heh i'm doing good, my last piece of art was masterful it was a picture of the grim reaper, and my next one is going to be of a necromancer raising the dead. so that will be fun, in metals we are making drawings which is pretty boring but i think were going to move on. Well i am really loving high scvhool, i am no longer in a band i quit because they weren't that all cracked up to be as i thought, but hey i feel good now so hey maybe it was a good choice. i have 1 more thing to talk about before i go. IU am leaving Mormonism, i know weird huh? well i am going to try to try out the catholic church my dad should be going with me once soon so idk. but thats it cya peoples and remember METAL RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!! \,,/ \,,/


Claire said...

Hi Cooper. I just want to let you know that I do read your blog and that I love you very, very much. I hope you know that if you ever need to talk, I'm here. And I also want you to know what a strong testimony I have of the church. I know its true and I know that through the Gospel you can find real peace and happiness. I love you buddy.

Kayti said...

I love you too Cooper and don't say you are leaving the church just yet. I understand if you want to find out more about other churches but do not just decide you are done with the religion you have been raised your whole life by good parents and amazing people in the church to go to a religion you don't know much about. If you want to go to the Catholic church and learn about it that is fine but think about the life you have had and the many blessings you have received because of it. I know I stopped going for awhile but I was not truly happy until I realized what I was missing and even though Harrison does not go very often I know he still has a testimony of the church and the gospel. You do not want to be unhappy, angry, and confused and that is what will happen if you just give up without really praying and thinking about your life and how you have been raised.
I love you lots Cooper call me sometime if you want to talk!
